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Info About Site

Here is Hugh Collection of beatuy Tips, adults acne treatment, skin Glowing Tips, diet fitness, secrets diet, beauty secrets diet, men skin care, face pack, home Remedy, beauty secrets diet and fitness tips, Sex Knowledgeand, Weight loss Tips, Weight Increase Tips, Height Increase Tips, Men Secrects, Woman Secrets Knowledge, and Healthy Tips, yoga Tips pose and assans that make You fit and Healthy, Keep Heart Healthy Tips, face whitening beauty tips for men and more..

Dinesh Soni

Dinesh Soni

Personal info

Dinesh Soni

Hello Friends, i am a studying M.B.B.S. I know that health is a very personal, private subject, and we maintain Every POst strict privacy policy in Whole Site.

Birthday: 24 Feb 1993
Website: www.healthylifeandshape.blogspot.com
E-mail: dsdineshsoni93@gmail.com

Health Is Wealth

Some Daily Tips For Healthy Life

Womens Health

  • 2016-future

    Tips For Woman

    Women's Health is for the woman who wants to reach a healthy, attractive weight but doesn't equate that with having thighs the size of toothpicks. We know that exercising and eating well will make you happier and stronger.

  • 2011-2014

    Health Benefits of Yoga

    Yoga increases flexibility and reduces stress, but the practice can do more than help you twist your body into pretzel shapes and find inner peace. These hidden benefits will help you in the kitchen, office and bedroom.

  • 2009-2011

    Benefits of Exercise

    Combining exercise with a healthy diet is a more effective way to lose weight than depending on calorie restriction alone. Exercise can prevent or even reverse the effects of certain diseases. Exercise lowers blood pressure and cholesterol, which may prevent a heart attack.

How Much Calories You Need

  • 2015

    Amount of Calories You Burn

    The average adult male who doesn’t exercise requires approximately 2,200 calories a day to maintain his average weight. A female needs about 1,800 calories to maintain her weight.So Eat Healthy and Do Exercise Daily.

  • 2013-2014

    Load up on vitamin C @

    We need at least 90 mg of vitamin C per day and the best way to get this is by eating at least five servings of fresh fruit and vegetables every day. So hit the oranges and guavas.

  • 2009-2013

    Laugh and cry @

    Having a good sob is reputed to be good for you. So is laughter, which has been shown to help heal bodies, as well as broken hearts. Studies in Japan indicate that laughter boosts the immune system and helps the body shake off allergic reactions.

Top 6 Rules of healthy Life

Daily Workout
Add variety
Healthy Diet
Get good sleep
Eat Vitamins Food
Drink Enough Water

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Friday, 29 January 2016

Ankurit anaaj ke fayade ( health benefits of sprouts )

Category of Our Site

I Hope You Will Find Your Solution of Disease

Weight Loss

if you take in 1,050 to 1,200 calories a day, and exercise for one hour per day, you could lose 3-5 pounds in the first week, or more if you weigh more than 250 pounds.

Healthy Life

For a Healthy Life You Must Need to quit smoking, be physically active everyday, eating healthy foods, limit alcohol, get enough sleep.

Reduce stress

Rough day at the office? Take a walk or head to the gym for a quick workout. One of the most common mental benefits of exercise is stress relief. Working up a sweat can help manage physical and mental stress.

Improve self-confidence

Hop on the treadmill to look (and more importantly, feel) like a million bucks. On a very basic level, physical fitness can boost self-esteem and improve positive self-image.

Boost brainpower

Those buff lab rats might be smarter than we think. Various studies on mice and men have shown that cardiovascular exercise can create new brain cells (aka neurogenesis) and improve overall brain performance.

Increase relaxation

Ever hit the hay after a long run or weight session at the gym? For some, a moderate workout can be the equivalent of a sleeping pill, even for people with insomnia.


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12 tustin california, unite State

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+(1) 36534 636

